December 25, 2014
December 24, 2014
Merry Christmas, My Beloved's!!!
I cannot believe we are at the last week of the year. As we remember and love on Jesus by seeing Him in everything...the nativity scene, twinkling lights, homemade bread, abundant gifts that remind us of our blessings, and the beautiful holiday songs that help us to remember the reason for the season...I wanted to take a moment out to tell you all how loved and precious you are to me. It has been a roller coaster of a year, but the Lord has blessed my children and I immeasurably with changes and growth.
I am very much looking forward to 2015, and a year of progress and consistency. Through myself I constantly fail, but by keeping my eyes on Jesus I will reign successful in this new year to spend more time with you and follow God's leading in my ministry service, writing, and creativity. So that being said, I am committing myself to YOU this year...yes, to you through following God's lead to serve you through this blog. I will be posting (without fail) an article every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, beginning with the first post on January 2, 2015 (there will also be a January 1st freebie post, because how could I NOT wish you a happy new year)??? There will also be giveaways throughout the year, FB parties, and special Bible study sharing. I look forward to enjoying fellowship and sharing closer with you in this coming year. A year of opportunities, possibilities, and hope!
I want to wish each and every one of you a blessed Christmas full of love, prayers, appreciation, and memories amongst your family and friends. Every day is a gift, and the best is yet to come!!!
December 12, 2014
Christianity Does Not Equal Comfort
I think often people have the vision that when you become a Christian everything is supposed to be right with the world, you're supposed to walk a golden path lined with some invisible bubble of protection. This couldn't be further from the truth, in fact that is why they call the road to Christianity the narrow and hard road. Once you are sold out for Jesus, the enemy will put a target on your back and you will experience storms and trials.
Becoming a Christian does not qualify you for a life of ease and constant comfort. We are still called to walk through storms and experience circumstances that we don't want to. Often we become angry at God for this, and focus on the constant worries of what we're going through. But often it is in the storms and the great pains of life that we are refined the most, learn the most about ourselves, and experience the greatest growth in our spiritual lives. We have to remind ourselves that absence of pain means absence of progress in a lot of ways.
Is this meant to sound like becoming a Christian is a miserable life and we set ourselves up for struggle and impossible circumstances? Absolutely not. What it does mean is that when we accept Christ and we walk the right path we do have God's protection and nothing that happens to us can come to to pass unless He allows it. He does not cause bad things to happen to us, but there are some instances in which we can be pretty stubborn or make repeated patterns of mistakes. In those cases, Our Almighty Father has to allow consequences to get our attention and have us turn from our ways and run back to him. But in this He keeps a close watch over us, He protects us, and He never leaves our side. Through our trials God gives us strength, hope, and even joy right in the middle of the worst circumstances and situations. It is hard to explain this to a nonbeliever, how to find joy in heartache and loss, but as a follower of Christ we learn along the way that He uses every bad situation to benefit our lives and the greater good of His Kingdom in some way.
Let's meditate on the Scriptures below which tell us that we will experience trials, but that nothing will reign victorious over God and his protection of us. We will also see that God uses everything as a part of His purpose, our calling, and His greater plan. Let us remember that God sees all things, knows all things, and has seen our end from before we even began. If we can't put our trust in that, what can we put it in?
(Romans 5:3 AMP) “Moreover [let us also be full of joy now!] let us exult and triumph in our troubles and rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that pressure and affliction and hardship produce patient and unswerving endurance.”
(James 1:12 ESV) “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.”
(Philippians 4:13 ESV) “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.”
(Romans 8:28 NIV) “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
(2 Peter 1:10-11 ESV) “Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall. For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
(Proverbs 3:5 MSG) “Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own.”
(Hebrews 13:8 KJV) “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”
November 27, 2014
Make Peace With The Old, Start Loving The New
I struggle with "all-or-nothing" syndrome. I see other people working out five days a week, so I feel I need to work out that much to be good enough. I see other people eating Paleo, vegan, or healthy 5 to 7 days a week, so I feel I have to eat healthy just as often and in just the same ways for me to be good enough. I see several Bible studies happening and feel I need to have an involvement in all of them in order to learn as much as I can and not miss out. Then I hear God's Voice telling me, "They are not you, and I don't want you to be them". A strong reminder that He has made each of us unique for reason, yet every single one of us in the image of Himself. None of our paths should try and mirror anyone else's. As long as we are listening to God, we learn how to love who we are just the way we are, and we spread that same unconditional love to others…then it's not up to us to try to run someone else's race.
So maybe I only take a walk two days a week for an hour. So maybe I only eat healthy for about four days a week, then still pretty healthy another two, and then the last day is a full-on cheat day for me. Maybe my hips and thighs are a bit wider than they used to be, and more bountiful than a lot of the people that I know. But then again my heart has become much bigger than it ever has before, and that's the part of my growth that I want to focus on. And that's what I want other people to focus on...the size of my personality, the size of my heart, the size of my love, giving, and serving. So if I want others to focus on those things inside me and not on my outside appearance, why can I not seem to focus on those same things for myself?
Some of us are programmed to think we are supposed to stay looking like we did when we were 18-years-old, so that everyone will say, "Wow, look how great she still looks!" "Wow, look how tiny she still is!" "Wow, look how great she has been doing!" We want to be validated and feel we've "still got it". But what is it that we had that we want to still know "we've got"? When I look back to my 18-year-old days and into my 20s…I didn't have a lot of depth in knowledge, heart, soul, and priorities. So why do I want to keep myself in a time of my life where the only positives I had going were largely my physical attributes?
When we find Christ, our old selves are stripped away and we are given new selves. Ones who see, think, and live through the eyes and truths of the Lord. Not through the things of this world and what is important to modern day society. My now 40-year-old self realized the attributes I largely possess are internal qualities, and the physical has fallen by the wayside in importance. I realize that I no longer want people to notice those things or recognize those things in me, I no longer want to be validated or feel wanted because of my face, figure, or how I look in a specific outfit. I don't even want to be known for them anymore. Perhaps that is why I have become more comfortable with my new self, instead of taking drastic measures with diet and exercise to alter back to the pre-Debbie that I was just a year ago. I would rather diet on the spiritual truths and living water of our Almighty Father and exercise my heart and my growth in knowing Jesus. That's how I know Christ has changed (and continues to change) my heart.
Instead of being constantly focused on keeping up with others who are losing weight, eating healthier, or changing their lives in certain ways…I would rather keep some of my extra pounds and be filled with agape love that I use to serve in ministry, to take care of my children, to learn and understand God better. Do I want to be healthy? Absolutely. Do I want to eat better? Absolutely. Do I want my life to become something that I feel is so structured that I no longer enjoy it or feel that I'm living? Absolutely not. If I eat healthy sometimes, it's okay. If I am making an effort to get some exercise in and eat better, even if it's not as much as everyone else is doing, and I still happen to keep some of my newly-found pounds on…it's okay.
I'm learning that my effort doesn't have to result in the same outcome that everyone else's does, nor be as restricted or regimented because I need to be and do what works for me and the life I have been blessed with. I'm okay, for the first time in a long time, just being me. If I lose a little weight and look a little better, great! If I don't, I will still serve in ministry just as wholeheartedly, I will still love and take care of my kids just as deeply, I will still feel overwhelming joy in my heart for this life, and most importantly I will still love myself and grow daily in my relationship with God. It's not my jeans size, routine, or trying to mirror someone else's physical changes that make me a woman of God. It is not whether I am physically beautiful by the world's standards that makes me worthy or that will draw someone else to love me. It's the pure love in my heart for Our Savior, the gentleness they will see in my soul, and the overwhelming joy I have for life and serving that make me stand out from the crowd...and that is the beauty I want to be recognized for. So this Thanksgiving I am thankful for my curvier hips, my expanded waistline, and my thicker arms and thighs...they remind me the Lord has provided for me in abundance and are a constant reminder to love myself from the inside out, letting Him shape and form me in His own way and time. Happy Thanksgiving, sweet readers!
So maybe I only take a walk two days a week for an hour. So maybe I only eat healthy for about four days a week, then still pretty healthy another two, and then the last day is a full-on cheat day for me. Maybe my hips and thighs are a bit wider than they used to be, and more bountiful than a lot of the people that I know. But then again my heart has become much bigger than it ever has before, and that's the part of my growth that I want to focus on. And that's what I want other people to focus on...the size of my personality, the size of my heart, the size of my love, giving, and serving. So if I want others to focus on those things inside me and not on my outside appearance, why can I not seem to focus on those same things for myself?
Some of us are programmed to think we are supposed to stay looking like we did when we were 18-years-old, so that everyone will say, "Wow, look how great she still looks!" "Wow, look how tiny she still is!" "Wow, look how great she has been doing!" We want to be validated and feel we've "still got it". But what is it that we had that we want to still know "we've got"? When I look back to my 18-year-old days and into my 20s…I didn't have a lot of depth in knowledge, heart, soul, and priorities. So why do I want to keep myself in a time of my life where the only positives I had going were largely my physical attributes?
When we find Christ, our old selves are stripped away and we are given new selves. Ones who see, think, and live through the eyes and truths of the Lord. Not through the things of this world and what is important to modern day society. My now 40-year-old self realized the attributes I largely possess are internal qualities, and the physical has fallen by the wayside in importance. I realize that I no longer want people to notice those things or recognize those things in me, I no longer want to be validated or feel wanted because of my face, figure, or how I look in a specific outfit. I don't even want to be known for them anymore. Perhaps that is why I have become more comfortable with my new self, instead of taking drastic measures with diet and exercise to alter back to the pre-Debbie that I was just a year ago. I would rather diet on the spiritual truths and living water of our Almighty Father and exercise my heart and my growth in knowing Jesus. That's how I know Christ has changed (and continues to change) my heart.
Instead of being constantly focused on keeping up with others who are losing weight, eating healthier, or changing their lives in certain ways…I would rather keep some of my extra pounds and be filled with agape love that I use to serve in ministry, to take care of my children, to learn and understand God better. Do I want to be healthy? Absolutely. Do I want to eat better? Absolutely. Do I want my life to become something that I feel is so structured that I no longer enjoy it or feel that I'm living? Absolutely not. If I eat healthy sometimes, it's okay. If I am making an effort to get some exercise in and eat better, even if it's not as much as everyone else is doing, and I still happen to keep some of my newly-found pounds on…it's okay.
I'm learning that my effort doesn't have to result in the same outcome that everyone else's does, nor be as restricted or regimented because I need to be and do what works for me and the life I have been blessed with. I'm okay, for the first time in a long time, just being me. If I lose a little weight and look a little better, great! If I don't, I will still serve in ministry just as wholeheartedly, I will still love and take care of my kids just as deeply, I will still feel overwhelming joy in my heart for this life, and most importantly I will still love myself and grow daily in my relationship with God. It's not my jeans size, routine, or trying to mirror someone else's physical changes that make me a woman of God. It is not whether I am physically beautiful by the world's standards that makes me worthy or that will draw someone else to love me. It's the pure love in my heart for Our Savior, the gentleness they will see in my soul, and the overwhelming joy I have for life and serving that make me stand out from the crowd...and that is the beauty I want to be recognized for. So this Thanksgiving I am thankful for my curvier hips, my expanded waistline, and my thicker arms and thighs...they remind me the Lord has provided for me in abundance and are a constant reminder to love myself from the inside out, letting Him shape and form me in His own way and time. Happy Thanksgiving, sweet readers!
November 20, 2014
November 18, 2014
Gratitude Realized....
As I sit in my favorite Bible study chair, tucked in with my fuzzy red blanket, holding a warm cup of coffee in my hand (in my sweet snowman mug) and looking at the Christmas lights and tree lit up in my living room I feel a complete sense of warmth, safety, and joy. I can hear the hum of the refrigerator, the purring of the cats, the chirping of the birds outside on the rose bushes. What a sweet and simple life. That means I have a comfortable and safe home. That means I have fresh food, and electricity for the appliances to work. That means I have furniture, warm clothes and blankets, and the delight of holiday decorations surrounding me. But in this same moment, a sadness overtook me. I started thinking not of all the things I have, but of all of the things others do not…and the things I do, use, and have every single day that I often do not acknowledge or give God gratitude for. Let’s think about a few things that we consider simple and “everyday normalcies” that many do not have this holiday season…or in any of their days:
*A home to stay out of the cold or heat (regardless of how hard we have to work for it)
*A job to pay the bills (regardless of how much we may not enjoy it)
*Electricity to make food and keep our surroundings comfortable (regardless if it goes out sometimes)
*Food in the refrigerator and pantry to keep us nourished (regardless how unhealthy our choices may be, or how mundane our meals seem)
*Clothes to keep us protected when we are outside (regardless if they are last season or may have a stain or two on them)
*Animals to keep us company and make us feel needed (regardless how much we sometimes complain about having to care for and feed them)
*Furniture to sit and be comfortable on (regardless the fact that they may be in slip covers and have seen better days)
*Decorations to bring us cheer and brighten our mood (regardless if we complain about having to put it all away afterwards)
So many people do not have even the least of these. Some people are sleeping on streets or on dirt floors. They are out in the elements of extreme heat, or dangerously cold temperatures. They have no work and cannot find any, so even the simplest thing like electricity or running water is something that is not available to them. Tummies are grumbling and prayers are being said for something as simple as a glass of water and piece of bread, while we are out at fine restaurants or convenient drive-thru eating locations enjoying lattes and bacon burgers. Some have no shoes and their feet are covered in sores and bleeding from the cracks, causing them extreme pain. They have nothing but tattered rags to suffice as covering and comfort. And the only semblance of the holidays they know is walking down an alley or street and catching a glimpse of lights and wreaths and bows as they dumpster dive for discarded clothing or food. Some do not even have dumpsters to scavenger through, and have never seen a holiday decoration in their lives.
When I think of this, as I am in my recliner, typing on my MacBook Air, and sipping Americano with fresh spun honey in my 72 degree living room, finishing up a full day of work with my fuzzy socks and favorite shirt on, with the beautiful tree of lights in the corner and the front door locked safely, my truck in the driveway, tank full of gas, PO Box full of mail and books and things I have ordered for my home and sheer enjoyment…I feel overwhelmingly grateful, but overwhelmingly guilty as well. Don’t get me wrong, my life is not wonderfully rich in material things and comfort. I am a single mother working two jobs. I live very simply and it takes all I have to manage everything and keep the bills paid each month. But how hard do I have it really…when we look at the big picture? Is what I am going through really as much of a struggle as I make it out to be and do I still have ways I can find to give back, even in my present circumstances? If I am honest, yes. We may not want to, because that would make us less comfortable or it would make next week or next month less secure for our family. But on the other hand, doesn’t God say when we give to the least of these, we will reap rewards, be blessed, and store up treasures in heaven? When we help others, we help ourselves. We learn compassion, unconditional love, sacrifice, and kindness.
Do we think daily to give up just one thing, one comfort, one available item for purchase in order to save that money up and each month give what we can to someone in need? Do we have items sitting around our house or garage that have been there forever and are never used that we can bless someone else with who may genuinely need them? Or do we just continually thank God for all we have (overlooking most of the big things and virtually all of the small things) and hope that we don’t lose our comforts while continuing to seek out more for ourselves? During this season of gratitude and thankfulness, may we stop and take a moment to look at our surroundings and realize how fortunate we are and ask God to show us a way we can reach out to someone else and give them a blessing that they can feel gratitude and thankfulness for. Not asking anything in return, just simply giving some of the excess that we have to someone who genuinely has nothing but a smile or teardrop of appreciation to give back to us. No matter how dire some of us think our financial or physical situation is, if we look hard enough…really look…I guarantee we can find some way to bless another life and soul not just this holiday season, but every month of every year. May we love, appreciate, and give as Jesus did, does, and always will…all the time.
*A home to stay out of the cold or heat (regardless of how hard we have to work for it)
*A job to pay the bills (regardless of how much we may not enjoy it)
*Electricity to make food and keep our surroundings comfortable (regardless if it goes out sometimes)
*Food in the refrigerator and pantry to keep us nourished (regardless how unhealthy our choices may be, or how mundane our meals seem)
*Clothes to keep us protected when we are outside (regardless if they are last season or may have a stain or two on them)
*Animals to keep us company and make us feel needed (regardless how much we sometimes complain about having to care for and feed them)
*Furniture to sit and be comfortable on (regardless the fact that they may be in slip covers and have seen better days)
*Decorations to bring us cheer and brighten our mood (regardless if we complain about having to put it all away afterwards)
So many people do not have even the least of these. Some people are sleeping on streets or on dirt floors. They are out in the elements of extreme heat, or dangerously cold temperatures. They have no work and cannot find any, so even the simplest thing like electricity or running water is something that is not available to them. Tummies are grumbling and prayers are being said for something as simple as a glass of water and piece of bread, while we are out at fine restaurants or convenient drive-thru eating locations enjoying lattes and bacon burgers. Some have no shoes and their feet are covered in sores and bleeding from the cracks, causing them extreme pain. They have nothing but tattered rags to suffice as covering and comfort. And the only semblance of the holidays they know is walking down an alley or street and catching a glimpse of lights and wreaths and bows as they dumpster dive for discarded clothing or food. Some do not even have dumpsters to scavenger through, and have never seen a holiday decoration in their lives.
When I think of this, as I am in my recliner, typing on my MacBook Air, and sipping Americano with fresh spun honey in my 72 degree living room, finishing up a full day of work with my fuzzy socks and favorite shirt on, with the beautiful tree of lights in the corner and the front door locked safely, my truck in the driveway, tank full of gas, PO Box full of mail and books and things I have ordered for my home and sheer enjoyment…I feel overwhelmingly grateful, but overwhelmingly guilty as well. Don’t get me wrong, my life is not wonderfully rich in material things and comfort. I am a single mother working two jobs. I live very simply and it takes all I have to manage everything and keep the bills paid each month. But how hard do I have it really…when we look at the big picture? Is what I am going through really as much of a struggle as I make it out to be and do I still have ways I can find to give back, even in my present circumstances? If I am honest, yes. We may not want to, because that would make us less comfortable or it would make next week or next month less secure for our family. But on the other hand, doesn’t God say when we give to the least of these, we will reap rewards, be blessed, and store up treasures in heaven? When we help others, we help ourselves. We learn compassion, unconditional love, sacrifice, and kindness.
Do we think daily to give up just one thing, one comfort, one available item for purchase in order to save that money up and each month give what we can to someone in need? Do we have items sitting around our house or garage that have been there forever and are never used that we can bless someone else with who may genuinely need them? Or do we just continually thank God for all we have (overlooking most of the big things and virtually all of the small things) and hope that we don’t lose our comforts while continuing to seek out more for ourselves? During this season of gratitude and thankfulness, may we stop and take a moment to look at our surroundings and realize how fortunate we are and ask God to show us a way we can reach out to someone else and give them a blessing that they can feel gratitude and thankfulness for. Not asking anything in return, just simply giving some of the excess that we have to someone who genuinely has nothing but a smile or teardrop of appreciation to give back to us. No matter how dire some of us think our financial or physical situation is, if we look hard enough…really look…I guarantee we can find some way to bless another life and soul not just this holiday season, but every month of every year. May we love, appreciate, and give as Jesus did, does, and always will…all the time.
November 6, 2014
Bible Study Survey
Please take my research survey for an upcoming project! Your responses are greatly appreciated!
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
November 5, 2014
Here's another sneak peek into Kelly Minter's new Bible study! #WhatLoveIs
Kelly Minter "What Love Is" Video Clip
Kelly Minter "What Love Is" Video Clip
October 22, 2014
I am excited to share with you the link to my Facebook page with Kelly Minter's newest short video clip introducing a little bit more about her brand-new study out November 1st called What Love Is. I hope you will all join us on this journey, as loving each other better is something we can always improve upon! #WhatLoveIs
Kelly Minter New Study: What Love Is
Kelly Minter New Study: What Love Is
October 16, 2014
"Look at how great a love the Father has given us that we should be called God's children." - 1 John 3:1 #WhatLoveIs
As part of Kelly Minter's Social Media Launch Team, I am honored to be able to share these images to promote and encourage involvement in her brand-new upcoming study, which will be available on November 1st! It's going to be a wonderful experience!
October 9, 2014
Accountability, a word that we don't hear very often, and an action that we strive to follow even less. Sometimes by accident, sometimes by oversight, sometimes because we are just too overwhelmed in busyness with everything we have said yes to. However, accountability is crucial to living a Christlike life. It is crucial in keeping commitments, having your walk match your talk, and making sure that we are not stretching ourselves too thin. Contrary to what many may think, accountability includes calendars, alarm clocks, reminders, schedules, lists, and verbal promises. Many people think accountability is just following up with someone real quick, telling them you did what you said you were going to do. That is wonderful, but it goes so much deeper than that. Accountability is one of the strongest foundations you can have in your faith, your relationships, your work, and your study habits.
So, who should we be accountable to? How do we decide who gets what piece of us and how we can please everybody and do everything that we want to do and have signed up to do in this life? Well, the answer to that is that we don't need to please everybody. We should be focused on pleasing God. Through God we receive his mercy and grace which pleases us and brings us joy. Then, by us enjoying our life and being consistently accountable, it can help others in their walk to see the blessings and receive their own pleasure of having a life of accountability. Let's walk-through what Scripture says about a few places we need to be accountable in our lives. We will briefly cover the following: 1) God, 2) ourselves, 3) our spouse/family members, and 4) our church community.
Accountability To God-contrary to what many believe, God does not ask us to put him first (He asks that we put the Kingdom first and look to Him in all we do). We should strive for that, and it pleases him, but what he genuinely wants us to do is put him as the solid center in our lives. Because if we take this stance, then we will automatically put him at the forefront of our thoughts, actions, and decisions. This is how we maintain a solid foundation, and allow others to see Christ in us. Romans 14:12 tells us: "So then, each one of us will give an account to God." Now, if that is who has the final say on how we spend eternity, does it not make sense to put Him and His Will and Purpose at the center of everything we do, and do we not owe Him accountability in all things? For it is because of God that we have all things, and it is God we have to answer to.
Accountability To Ourselves-we need to be sure we are searching our own hearts for motive and goodness. We should serve others and walk in God's Way out of joy and gratitude, not duty or grumbling. WE need to examine our hearts and our minds and pay close attention to be sure that our talk matches our walk. What we do and say shows what is really important to us, and what is really important to us ends up being what/who we are accountable to. Are we walking in God's Will, allowing our hearts to be filled with His desires, and obeying Him in everything we do? Or are we allowing people, objects, and goals to be the focus of our desires, thereby linking our accountability and worth to the things of this world? We are reminded in Matthew 7:6 that our accountability shows our character: "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces." If we are accountable to ourselves, we can be sure to remain straight on our path and not wander from God's plan for our lives. Otherwise, lack of accountability to the Almighty One, can lead to the lions of this world devouring us whole.
Accountability to Our Spouse/Family-we are told in Proverbs 27:17: "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another". This was not just meant in the sense of man alone. It is meant in the sense of partnerships and relationships. When two people come together with a godly foundation as their rock, they complement each other in a way as to make the other better and lift them up in their strengths, and support them in their weaknesses. Our spouse, children, and family members can challenge and inspire us. Through this, ideas and knowledge can be combined and sharpened, thereby benefiting both parties in the relationship. Whether it be a partner or spouse, child or family member, or even a friend or co-worker. When we look at others as a helper to us and not competition, we will become accountable to them in a way that we desire to serve them and grow them, not a way that we desire to comet with or compare ourselves to them. That is healthy accountability.
Accountability To Church Community-the church body is designed to work together, just as our feet and hands do. We are not meant to be separate entities, but instead the Bible urges that we gather in fellowship often and not be isolated from one another. There is strength in numbers, especially when those numbers are filled with Christ followers! So we must be accountable to each other in service and in working together to live out God's Purposes for each of our lives, and God's Purposes for His Kingdom. In 1 Corinthians 12:12, we are told: "The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ." So when we individually lack accountability and follow-through, it also affects others throughout the body of Christ, even if we cannot see it or do not realize it. God is the only one who sees all, but He has given us instruction that we need to have accountability towards each other in order to work as one unit, thereby being able to fulfill His Works. We need to search for ways to function in communion with other believers, and this will help keep them accountable to the body of Christ as well. We are the Church, and we need to each do our part.
There are countless areas in our life where we should strive for solid accountability, but I believe if we focus on these four specific areas, it will set the stage for consistent accountability in all other facets of our lives. If we remain strong in Christ, we remain trustworthy and in servitude to ourselves, our family, and friends and do our part to make the church community work as a single body...we will experience full success is accountability!
October 8, 2014
Hello, Beautiful Readers
I am so sorry for my absence this past 6 weeks. I have taken some time to pray and be led by the Lord as to my blog, ministry, and what lies ahead. And as always, He Speaks! I am so grateful for a relationship with Jesus that allows me to speak directly with the Father.
I have a new series of blogs on different topics that I will be doing, as well as leading a Bible study that I would love to welcome you to be a part of! I will be co-leading with Women's Bible Cafe in our upcoming study of Jeremiah. For the link to sign up for the study, or for more details, you may find us at the following link: Women's Bible Cafe . I will be leading a group that meets online at 9am Monday mornings, and also one that meets online at 4:30am on Wednesdays. But there are also several other groups with wonderful and blessed leaders that you can choose from. We have groups every day of the week, and our study will begin on October 20th!
If you have any questions at all regarding that, please feel free to leave a comment below, or text me at 530-314-9109, or email me at . Be sure to check back tomorrow for my newest blog post which is focused on "Accountability"! You are all a blessing and an encouragement to me!
Blessings, and I appreciate each and every one of you!
I have a new series of blogs on different topics that I will be doing, as well as leading a Bible study that I would love to welcome you to be a part of! I will be co-leading with Women's Bible Cafe in our upcoming study of Jeremiah. For the link to sign up for the study, or for more details, you may find us at the following link: Women's Bible Cafe . I will be leading a group that meets online at 9am Monday mornings, and also one that meets online at 4:30am on Wednesdays. But there are also several other groups with wonderful and blessed leaders that you can choose from. We have groups every day of the week, and our study will begin on October 20th!
If you have any questions at all regarding that, please feel free to leave a comment below, or text me at 530-314-9109, or email me at . Be sure to check back tomorrow for my newest blog post which is focused on "Accountability"! You are all a blessing and an encouragement to me!
Blessings, and I appreciate each and every one of you!
August 16, 2014
What We Think, What God Knows

The big day came, I was dressed in my best, fully confident because I know I was more than qualified for the job, and I knew with the passionate love I have for the field that I was the perfect candidate. I went in there, checked in, and sat there – ready for the interview of my life. This was it, this was going to change my whole life if I got this job! However, it only took a few minutes of sitting there waiting for them to call me for the Holy Spirit to start speaking to me. I heard, "Okay, this is what you thought you've always wanted. This is what you been working towards. This is your dream, right? Here is step one to the life that you think you truly want." I looked around, the place was dirty, it's smelled not so great, it had a very cold aura to it, and some less than desirable characters came in and out as I was sitting there. Now, of course, this is a probation office and this was all to be expected and were things that I have had knowledge of for quite some time, in how these things work and what you have to experience and deal with on a daily basis in a job like this.
But I sat there taking everything in and realizing that this wouldn't just be a job, this would be a lifelong career and this would be one of the centers of my life. I would be at this job more than I would be with my children, I would be at this job more than I would be with my church or my fellow believers, I would be at this job more than I would be at my home practically. What kind of changes would that invoke in me, in my lifestyle, in my actions and deeds? So I needed to take it all in and instead of the dreamy episodes of Cops, Lockup Raw, or Jail that I am so intrigued by, I had to take in the reality for a moment of how it might change me, might change my life, might change my love of the field.
The interview went great and I walked out of there feeling good about it, still excited, but not quite as certain. The drive home left a lot of time for thought and it all comes back to this: we always think we know what we want, we can be dead set on it for weeks, months, or years. We can strive, stay up endless nights working hard towards our goal, in the end to only realize that it was never God's plan but our own. When it is our own plan it will never satisfy us, it will never fulfill us, it will never give us all of the beautiful illusions and circumstances that we have always pictured would be tied with that specific thing or position. Because if it is outside of God's will, if if it is something we are doing because it is our own passion and our own desire and we are controlling what we want and striving to make it happen ourselves – it will never be the right thing to do.
It was a hard pill to swallow that for several years while still following Christ, I was trying to control my outcome as far as where I would end up in a career, what I would be doing, the kind of money I would be making, and whom I would be serving. The thing is, only God can see far down the line. He can see what happens to us, what will make us happy, and what will spiral us downward. When we don't get something we want, or we get something we think we want and it's not all it's cracked up to be, I'm learning that it may not just be God saving us FOR something better, but maybe saving us FROM something much worse. Perhaps I would be miserable in that workplace, perhaps I would experience a hostile environment or people and situations that made me fearful. Perhaps I would develop a distaste for law-enforcement after seeing it from the inside, perhaps it would put out the fire of the passion I have for that industry. And whether I work in that field or not, I don't ever want to lose a passion for how I see our officers, sheriffs, patrolmen, prison guards, etc. I hold them in high esteem and I want to continue doing that.
So that evening as I came to my room and engaged in a time of thinking – I gave everything over to God, and told Him I would be happy to follow Him wherever He led me. Whichever path He chose, I was content that it would be the right one. I released anything that I wanted for me, any plans I have made for my life, any control I still had in my own grasp. I laid it all at the foot of the cross and allowed Christ to bear my burdens and make my decisions for me. You see, just a few days before this interview took place I was awarded a second job working at home. Only a couple of days after the interview took place, I was awarded additional hours from both my first and my second to home jobs. And at the same time one of my clients let other people go, and I was solely in charge of the department now.
God was giving me job security in what I already had. God was adding additional income where I was lacking. My view had been that I had to have a government job, a long-term brick-and-mortar career in order to have enough money to provide for my children, benefits to make things a little easier, and retirement to secure my future as I age. What God showed me was that I will be okay no matter which way it turns out. He ensured that I had the opportunity to chase my dream, and then get a reality check. He also provided the opportunity for me to open my eyes and see that the work I already have would provide for my family in abundance, if only I would embrace them and work at them joyfully, as we are supposed to do as if doing all things for the Lord. So instead of a cushy 40 hour a week job at a government agency with amazing benefits, retirement plan, and a fancy title – I was now finding myself quite peaceful, with an attitude of great gratitude and humbleness, and very joyful at the idea of staying right where I'm at. Working from home. It may be twice as many hours, no benefits, and no retirement plan - but then again, not all benefits come in monetary form.
I would be able to continue to be with my children 24/7, I would get to continue to have my own flexible schedule to take off when and how I need in order to attend Bible study groups, school events, and ministry conferences. With the double income from working over 75 hours a week, I can save my own money towards retirement, I can afford my own benefits, and I can secure the future I desire without punching a time clock for a government or corporation. I can punch a time clock for the Lord, for my kids, and for myself. See, the Bible tells us we are not to ask for our lives to be easier and without struggle, but instead are supposed to ask to simply be equipped with the strength and perseverance to walk through our trials and hard seasons victoriously.
I can now look around and see the blessings that are already in abundance around me. I can see I already have the perfect life, though it comes with much longer hours and much harder work…I don't think I'd have it any other way right now. My children are still young, there is so much I don't want to miss. Is this law-enforcement job the opportunity of a lifetime? I'm a mother, I'm a child of God - to me, those are the opportunities of a lifetime! So I'm choosing the long and narrow road of perseverance and trust in Jesus Christ, not the wide and easy path of financial gain and worldly recognition. Storing up treasures for Heaven, is there anything better?
August 14, 2014
"Protective Instinct" Blog Tour
Girl Book Tours presents the blog tour for the release of PROTECTIVE INSTINCT,
Book #4 in the Time After Time Saga, by Authors Lynette Endicott and Tami
Mitchell's loyalty to family and country are tested by the woman who may lead
him to one who threatens all he holds dear. Nick must steel his heart against
her, and deny his protective instinct for the woman who speaks of an ancient
family legend and her belief that together he and she will forge a love that
will last forever. Will Nick be able to complete his last mission as a spy for
the Crown or will he betray his country for the sake of love?
ABOUT Lynette
At a youth
camp when she was 14 the editor and teacher of a writing class challenged her
to submit something to his youth magazine. She did and it was the first of 10
articles and stories accepted by the publication over the next few
Nothing like
front end success to keep her writing! Lynette enjoys reading contemporary
romance and speculative fiction and writes both. Her debut book, Starting Over
Book One: More Than A Job, and two more books in that series, The Return of Joy
and Finding Her Voice are available now. The first three of the Time After Time
Saga with Tami Dee are available now, including Animal Instinct, Survival Instinct
and Pioneer Instinct. The fourth in the series of six, Protective Instinct,
will release in August 2014.
Because she
didn't have pets until after her 50th birthday the animals she enjoys find
their way into all her books. Usually you will also find a character with a
disability as part of the day-to-day fabric of the story. In More Than A Job,
Paige works in services to people with disabilities until she loses her job and
starts over. In The Return of Joy, Atlas, the yellow lab, becomes a Therapy
Dog. In the Time After Time series animal helpers assist the hero and heroine
in all six of the books in the series.
Lynette loves
hearing from her fans! Please connect with her on:
Becoming an
author was a dream I never really thought would come true for me. I have
dyslexia, yet, despite the struggle, I adore weaving stories for others to
I am a
member of Romance Writers of America, Desert Breeze connections, RWA San
Francisco Area Romance Writers, RWA Scriptscence, and RWA Celtic Hearts Romance
You can
connect with Tami on:
To celebrate
the release of PROTECTIVE INSTINCT, Lynette and Tami will be giving away a
$20.00 Amazon Gift Card to one grand prize winner, a $10.00 Gift Card to either
Starbucks or Teavana to the second runner up and an ecopy of PROTECTIVE
INSTINCT to the third runner up. Enter the giveaway every day for more chances
to win. All entries must be received by August 18th before midnight.
Debbie's Review:
Protective Instinct is a beautiful story about the fight
AGAINST love. Yes, you heard me right. Sabrina and Nick are drawn to each other
in a deep way, but because of circumstances surrounding who Nick is, they fight
to not love each other and try to avoid relationship…to no avail. However, if
you think this ends is a happily-ever-after walk down the aisle in a beautiful
white dress, well…you will be pleasantly surprised. I love books that leave you
clenching the pages with white knuckles and at the end saying, “Noooo, what
happens next?” This book by Tami Dee and Lynette Endicott certainly does just
that! The authors used real-to-life slang in the way of Nick’s speaking that
helps you to actually read his character in the accent he has? How do I know he
has an accent? You have to read this book to see what I am talking about.
Lynette always has a way of bringing such animation and life to her characters
so that it is as if you can actually hear them and see them. That is an amazing
gift for an author to be able to portray. This book was a romance, a thriller,
a drama, a comedy of sorts. A bundle of everything you could want wrapped up in
one. Grab a cup of coffee, a nightlight, and bundle your excitement…you’re
going to be up all night just to finish this one in one sitting!
August 11, 2014
The Mess of Materialism
As I was watching yet another episode of House Hunters Renovation, I looked at the gorgeous kitchens that were transformed in these homes. Cooking and baking has always been a passion of mine, so I could honestly care less what the rest of the house looks like, but I am drawn to kitchens. In a big way. As I found myself going "ooohh" and "aaahh" over the granite, the marble floors, the cherry cabinets and stainless steel appliances, I felt the Holy Spirit whisper to me the word 'gratitude'. It stopped me in my tracks and I immediately went straight to my Bible. Throughout reading scriptures, the spirit reminded me that I've had all of those things and asked me if it made me any more happy or any more equipped to take care of my family than when I don't have those things? The answer was, no. In fact, several years back I had built a brand-new custom home from the ground up. I chose every single detail I wanted in that house and spared no expense. I had the marble floors, I had the cherry wood cabinets, I had the stainless steel appliances, and I had the granite countertops. I even had that vent where you push a button and it comes up out of the countertop, and then when you're done cooking you push the button it and it goes back down into the counter. You name it, all the bells and whistles.
But the voice was right, I live now in a home that would be considered much older and less apt than that gorgeous home that I built. It's been previously lived in, it's been very much loved on, and it is what most people would consider the deeply average. But yet I still have everything my family needs. As a single mom I do struggle, but I can look around and see that no matter what, God is with me and He is providing- because I always have a home for my children, we have safety, we have food for our bellies and clothes for our backs. We have a vehicle to get around in, and by God's Grace, the money in the bank to put gas in it. By no other means does this come to me except through Him. Because on my own I know I am not strong enough to provide all of this. But yet our 'needs' that are being met are more than sufficient, and our 'wants' are things that are provided at times for us still.
I've noticed as I roam around in my home day-by-day, I don't notice that everything is outdated, I don't notice or care that others would think this is a place they may not ever consider living in, because those are usually the individuals that have money, and base a person's merit on worldly things. That almost brings a smile to my face, because it reminds me that I've given up a lot of myself and my selfishness and instead accepted God, His Grace, and developed a heart of gratitude. So I started thinking, if I had these granite countertops again and the beautiful appliances and the perfect floor to glide around on as I baked…would my food taste any better? Would my kids be any happier? Would people love me any more or any less? Would my needs be any more provided for than they already are? The answer to all of these things is, no. You don't have to have a gorgeous kitchen or top-of-the-line and top dollar appliances in order to achieve a beautiful meal for your family and friends. You simply need a loving heart, a giving attitude, and appreciation in your soul.
I have seen some of the meals that women in third world countries cook: barely any utensils, over an open outdoor fire made of sticks, sitting on a dirt floor. And I'm going to tell you something, these dishes could revel any four-star restaurant here in the United States where they had an army of chefs and the highest quality kitchen equipment that money can buy at their disposal. So is the finished product a result of the grandiosity you have to cook it in and how much you have, or is it simply in what you're putting into it? In my opinion, having a beautiful home and meal is not as much about what you're surrounded by as much as it is about what you're making it with: love, a serving heart, the sheer joy of the task. So while we want and wish and envy and ogle over a granite countertop kitchen, stainless steel appliances, Cherrywood cabinets, and marble floors…there are others out there for doing exactly what we do with 10 times less than what we have. And you know what? Their bellies are still full, the food is still delicious, the joy is still found in serving one's friends and family. May we not focus on the 'what we have' and 'what we wish we had'...and 'oh, if only mine could look like that", or 'oh, I would love to have those in my kitchen because my old countertops are stained, they have ring marks from coffee, my fridge doesn't match my stove', etc.
Is your coffee any less delicious? Does your fridge keep the food any less cold or fresh? Does your kitchen have any less loved ones that trample through it? One day I hope all of us as a people become content with what we have, instead of what we see others have, what we see on TV on the home remodeling shows, and what our hearts are driven to desire a higher quality of. May we see the joy in those coffee rings, which probably means mornings spent getting the kids ready or urging off to a job we are blessed to have, a conversation with your spouse, preparing your drink to sit down and enjoy Bible study. And that refrigerator, it may be old and discolored, but think of all the meals you pulled forth from that and made for your family. Think of when you come home and unload all of those groceries and you have a cold and safe place to put those items to nourish your family with food every single day. So many don't have these things, and would be happy with the lowliest and most broken down stoves, countertops, and fridges they could get their hands on.
The mess of materialism has gotten so out of control in today's world. May we regain focus on the things that we need, appreciate the things that we already have, and push our wants away knowing that the Lord has already provided in abundance and that there are millions in this world that would give anything to have those coffee rings on their counters, to have mismatched appliances, and to have chipped up tile on the floor…because it would mean they had appliances to utilize and a kitchen to cook in, instead of an open fire made of sticks, a dirt floor, and handmade makeshift utensils. A serving heart, a heart of gratitude and thankfulness…not an 'I wish' heart, not an 'I want' heart, and not a heart of expectations and demands to be met with higher and higher provisions- without even recognizing the ones the Lord has already bestowed upon us. May we soften our hearts to look at the small as well as the big things, and not want the big things so much anymore. That means more of Him and less of us, and that is a beautiful thing!
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thessalonians 5:18ESV)
"But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6 ESV)
"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5 ESV)
"For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ." (Galatians 1:10 ESV)
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:2 ESV)
But the voice was right, I live now in a home that would be considered much older and less apt than that gorgeous home that I built. It's been previously lived in, it's been very much loved on, and it is what most people would consider the deeply average. But yet I still have everything my family needs. As a single mom I do struggle, but I can look around and see that no matter what, God is with me and He is providing- because I always have a home for my children, we have safety, we have food for our bellies and clothes for our backs. We have a vehicle to get around in, and by God's Grace, the money in the bank to put gas in it. By no other means does this come to me except through Him. Because on my own I know I am not strong enough to provide all of this. But yet our 'needs' that are being met are more than sufficient, and our 'wants' are things that are provided at times for us still.
I've noticed as I roam around in my home day-by-day, I don't notice that everything is outdated, I don't notice or care that others would think this is a place they may not ever consider living in, because those are usually the individuals that have money, and base a person's merit on worldly things. That almost brings a smile to my face, because it reminds me that I've given up a lot of myself and my selfishness and instead accepted God, His Grace, and developed a heart of gratitude. So I started thinking, if I had these granite countertops again and the beautiful appliances and the perfect floor to glide around on as I baked…would my food taste any better? Would my kids be any happier? Would people love me any more or any less? Would my needs be any more provided for than they already are? The answer to all of these things is, no. You don't have to have a gorgeous kitchen or top-of-the-line and top dollar appliances in order to achieve a beautiful meal for your family and friends. You simply need a loving heart, a giving attitude, and appreciation in your soul.
I have seen some of the meals that women in third world countries cook: barely any utensils, over an open outdoor fire made of sticks, sitting on a dirt floor. And I'm going to tell you something, these dishes could revel any four-star restaurant here in the United States where they had an army of chefs and the highest quality kitchen equipment that money can buy at their disposal. So is the finished product a result of the grandiosity you have to cook it in and how much you have, or is it simply in what you're putting into it? In my opinion, having a beautiful home and meal is not as much about what you're surrounded by as much as it is about what you're making it with: love, a serving heart, the sheer joy of the task. So while we want and wish and envy and ogle over a granite countertop kitchen, stainless steel appliances, Cherrywood cabinets, and marble floors…there are others out there for doing exactly what we do with 10 times less than what we have. And you know what? Their bellies are still full, the food is still delicious, the joy is still found in serving one's friends and family. May we not focus on the 'what we have' and 'what we wish we had'...and 'oh, if only mine could look like that", or 'oh, I would love to have those in my kitchen because my old countertops are stained, they have ring marks from coffee, my fridge doesn't match my stove', etc.
Is your coffee any less delicious? Does your fridge keep the food any less cold or fresh? Does your kitchen have any less loved ones that trample through it? One day I hope all of us as a people become content with what we have, instead of what we see others have, what we see on TV on the home remodeling shows, and what our hearts are driven to desire a higher quality of. May we see the joy in those coffee rings, which probably means mornings spent getting the kids ready or urging off to a job we are blessed to have, a conversation with your spouse, preparing your drink to sit down and enjoy Bible study. And that refrigerator, it may be old and discolored, but think of all the meals you pulled forth from that and made for your family. Think of when you come home and unload all of those groceries and you have a cold and safe place to put those items to nourish your family with food every single day. So many don't have these things, and would be happy with the lowliest and most broken down stoves, countertops, and fridges they could get their hands on.
The mess of materialism has gotten so out of control in today's world. May we regain focus on the things that we need, appreciate the things that we already have, and push our wants away knowing that the Lord has already provided in abundance and that there are millions in this world that would give anything to have those coffee rings on their counters, to have mismatched appliances, and to have chipped up tile on the floor…because it would mean they had appliances to utilize and a kitchen to cook in, instead of an open fire made of sticks, a dirt floor, and handmade makeshift utensils. A serving heart, a heart of gratitude and thankfulness…not an 'I wish' heart, not an 'I want' heart, and not a heart of expectations and demands to be met with higher and higher provisions- without even recognizing the ones the Lord has already bestowed upon us. May we soften our hearts to look at the small as well as the big things, and not want the big things so much anymore. That means more of Him and less of us, and that is a beautiful thing!
"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." (1 Thessalonians 5:18ESV)
"But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6 ESV)
"Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5 ESV)
"For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ." (Galatians 1:10 ESV)
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:2 ESV)
August 6, 2014
Blessings By The Pound
As I began to approach the age of 40, about six months prior to that, weight started creeping up on me out of nowhere at an increasing pace. All of my life I was the type of person that could eat whatever I wanted, however much I wanted, never diet or exercise, and always stay the same tiny me. But as I began to approach this new decade of life, my whole body changed, and so did my way of thinking. I was disgusted with myself and embarrassed for anyone who had known me before to even see me...or anyone at all really). I stopped going to church and to my church groups, stopped going out for coffee with friends, stop doing outings with my kids. For the first time in almost 20 years, I actually had to buy bigger sized clothes. I sunk into somewhat of what I would describe as a light depression, barely leaving my room and never wanting anyone to come over, not even wanting to run up to town to the grocery store.
Funny thing is, no one else seemed to notice. My family did not blink an eye, my friends made no notations as to any difference in me, I still made new friends everywhere I went, and my children still hugged and loved on me like always. You see, I was the only one who noticed my jeans size went from a size 5 to a size one else did. Others were too busy focusing on the REAL me. My smile, my hugs, my bubbly laughter, my passion to serve, my love for my children, my excitement at packages in the mail, my scrumptious goodies I bake up and love to share with people wherever I go. Yes, they were seeing the real ME. Not some superficial hope or vision, not a jeans size, not a bigger-than-I-used-to-be person. Because to them I am still normal size, somewhat small still, actually. It was MY vision of myself that was causing pain and disruption in my life...a vision that no one else seemed to see.
One evening as I laid in bed watching yet another episode of House Hunters (TV seemed to be all I did anymore), I felt The Lord touch my shoulder and the Holy Spirit began whispering truths of Scripture into my ear and heart:
"Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the I fading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." (1 Peter 3:4 NIV)
"Charm can mislead and beauty soon fades. The woman to be admired and praised is the woman who lives in the fear-of-God." (Proverbs 31:30 MSG)
"The Lord doesn't see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but The Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7 NLT)
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:13-14 NIV)
You see, I was the one who had stopped loving myself simply based on changes in my physical appearance. This girl, who has wanted all of her life for people to just love her regardless of what's on the outside, had stopped loving herself in that same way. My family felt no differently towards me, neither did my friends. My God certainly felt no less towards me. My heart did not change, only the temporary vessel that houses it did. Jesus reminded me of that. He reminded me that even if I'm pale white, full of stretch marks from birthing 6 children, have a freckle or mole here and there, or even 20 extra pounds. With all of these imperfections I am more beautiful than I ever was at a size 5 with perfect skin. Because I have the love of Jesus in my heart now. I have accepted him as My Savior, and he finds me undeniably and seamlessly beautiful. That is the way he always has seen me and always will. That is the kind of beauty I want to strive for, beauty that radiates The Lord...and each day leaves less and less of "me". Those who will shutter at my outward appearance or imperfections are not those who are looking at me through a heart of love in Christ, and that is one way God shows us who to weed out of our gardens.
I am grateful for my imperfections, I am grateful for finally being able so see myself as Jesus does. I may work on shedding the new pounds attached to me over time, but right now I love exactly who I am, and I am embracing all of the changes this new season is providing. It may mean I stay single forever if a potential mate can't look past the fleshly imperfections...but it means I will never truly be alone again because I am beautiful and favored through Jesus. So yes, I may work on losing these extra pounds someday...maybe...
August 1, 2014
Week #4 Winner and Week #5 Prize Announcement!
Hello everyone, I hope you are all enjoying your summer. If you have kiddos or maybe grand-kiddos, you may be gearing up for back to school! This can be a hectic (but also fun) time! So I have decided to do multiple giveaways this week with the main prize being one having to do with "stress". Imagine that! Now, onto the announcements and fun!
Last week's winner of the "duo" giveaway with the "Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti" Study book and the devotional is.....Christina Sabra Spicuzza....Yes, AGAIN! This is why I want to remind you all to make sure and get your entries in! Christina is faithful about gaining as many entries as she can each week and helping to spread the word of this page and the giveaways, so she has been rewarded twice now, as Rafflecopter has randomly chosen her due to her multiple entries! Way to go Christina! And thank you! we go...this week's giveaways! This week will be a bit different, as we have multiple people that can win! We will be having a total of 12 winners! EIGHT winners will each receive one full set the key tags shown below inspired from Lysa TerKeurst and her book "Unglued"! And then THREE winners will each receive one of the purple "strength" bookmarks shown below! And then finally, we will be giving away another awesome book this week! ONE lucky winner will receive a brand new copy of the book shown below, entitled "Stopping Stress Before It Stops You: A Game Plan For Every Mom" by Dr. Kevin Leman! It covers topics such as: checking your stress quotient, secrets to reducing stress, reality discipline for your kids, beating superwoman syndrome, and coping with both work and home! This is a valuable resource, and I am so excited to bring it to one lucky winner!
Good luck everyone, and have a blessed weekend!
Last week's winner of the "duo" giveaway with the "Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti" Study book and the devotional is.....Christina Sabra Spicuzza....Yes, AGAIN! This is why I want to remind you all to make sure and get your entries in! Christina is faithful about gaining as many entries as she can each week and helping to spread the word of this page and the giveaways, so she has been rewarded twice now, as Rafflecopter has randomly chosen her due to her multiple entries! Way to go Christina! And thank you! we go...this week's giveaways! This week will be a bit different, as we have multiple people that can win! We will be having a total of 12 winners! EIGHT winners will each receive one full set the key tags shown below inspired from Lysa TerKeurst and her book "Unglued"! And then THREE winners will each receive one of the purple "strength" bookmarks shown below! And then finally, we will be giving away another awesome book this week! ONE lucky winner will receive a brand new copy of the book shown below, entitled "Stopping Stress Before It Stops You: A Game Plan For Every Mom" by Dr. Kevin Leman! It covers topics such as: checking your stress quotient, secrets to reducing stress, reality discipline for your kids, beating superwoman syndrome, and coping with both work and home! This is a valuable resource, and I am so excited to bring it to one lucky winner!
Good luck everyone, and have a blessed weekend!
July 28, 2014
Is This All There Is?
As I stood at the kitchen sink doing yet another pile of dishes (there is no dishwasher in my home, so dirty dishes time is my time to look out the window and engage in some dangerous thinking time), I thought to myself, "Is this it? I've been at this for 7 years, and it doesn't seem like I have come very far. If this is what my life will continue to be, I'm okay with that Lord...but I just feel like there's so much more. Maybe just not for me."
As a single Mom of three children under the age of 11, I'm often tired, worried, hopeless, and frustrated. I'm sure many of you can relate to that. I am often left wondering what I've done wrong along the way to not have life in abundance like I see others having. We barely squeak by each month with the bills, don't have gas money most days to even go anywhere, and having all of the responsibilities and decisions on my shoulders alone without help from the other parent can be very exhausting. Then I stopped myself...

That doesn't mean I'm not broken, I am. And I will continue to be for years to come, but there will be progress and healing along the way. You see, the world takes broken things and throws them away...but Jesus takes broken people and lifts them up! Our biggest burdens are sometimes brought to lead us to our greatest blessings. But we cannot get there in our own strength, it just is not possible. But with God, all things are possible. He is our strength and our portion. So as I look around at my openly and vividly imperfect life and world...I can now see that I am living life in abundance already. Because life in abundance involved the things that matter most to our hearts and souls: family to lean on, friends to share life with, a relationship with The Lord that continues in its growth, serving others and sharing our stories, and waking up every day laying all we have at the foot of the cross. When we do that, we can bear another day. When we do that, we can trust that our load will be lightened. When we do that, we can see the bountiful blessings that already surround us, and not focus on what doesn't.
Life in abundance, simply put, is a life spent living for Jesus Christ. That is good news for us all, because it means we ALL can have life in abundance...if only we will CHOOSE to accept what Christ is freely offering us. Are you? Are you living your life in fullness? Are you seeing abundance in all circumstances? If the answer is no, go back to basics: pick up your Bible, remind yourself of God's truths, and remember how He loves you and that He sacrificed the blood of His Only Begotten Son so that we could not only live, but live life abundantly. His gift is waiting for you, you need only accept it and trust in it.
July 22, 2014
Tempting Tomorrow

I'll take care of that tomorrow. I'll call them tomorrow. I'll try that tomorrow. How many of us of have ever said that? And how many of us have had our tomorrow's turn into weeks, months, maybe years? We all live as if we are promised tomorrow, but the truth is, we aren't.
"Never boast about tomorrow. You don't know what will happen between now and then. ." (Proverbs 27:1 GNT)
We are to remain hopeful for tomorrow, expectant for tomorrow, and it's okay to plan for tomorrow. However, that does not guarantee that we will all have tomorrow. We must hope, plan, and dream like we have a thousand tomorrows, but we need to live like there's only today. That is not to say we are to do reckless things and throw caution to the wind just in case there is no tomorrow. We are still called to be responsible and diligent in our actions, but we are not called to expect God to give us each day just because we want it or we have plans for it. For He has plans of His own, and they far out measure ours or our understanding. But what if we took each day as the blessing that it is? Grabbed onto the steering wheel with both hands, put that pedal to the floor, and embraced every single moment of the day right in front of us? Not worrying about tomorrow, not worrying about 10 years from now…enjoying the blessings that the day we are already in brings.
"So don’t worry about tomorrow. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Tomorrow will have its own worries." (Matthew 6:34 ERV)
We've all seen it happen, or been a victim of it ourselves. We go along in our daily lives, too busy to get to this or that. But we'll get to it tomorrow. We find out that friend we just talked to or that relative that we just saw has had a horrific tragedy and is no longer with us. Now what? Where's that tomorrow? You were going to call, you were going to write that letter, you were going to stop by and see them – but life just got too busy.
"Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” (Mark 6:31 NIV)
Or maybe you have experienced that situation yourself. Strolling about and living the abundance of life one moment, the next finding yourself on a gurney in the emergency room or in a hospital lobby waiting for news of your husband or children. In an instant life can change, and many times not due to your own actions or negligence. The world is full of irresponsible people, the world is full of just plain accidents. We can't live on edge like we always might be a victim, but we also can't tempt tomorrow by assuming it will be there. On the little things, sure. There's a few dishes in the sink, a load of laundry in the dryer that needs to be folded – but it's ten o'clock at night and you are exhausted and have work in the morning. That can wait until tomorrow. But telling someone you love them, chasing that dream that you've only been thinking about for years but never taking a single step towards achieving. Those things can't wait. Live those things like there is no tomorrow, and watch how it changes your life. So what if we tempted tomorrow in a different way? Tempted it to bring us it's best. Tempted it to give us all it's got. Tempted it to challenge us and grow us. That's the right way to tempt tomorrow, in the way that will grow you in a relationship with the Lord and with others. In the way that will help you embrace life in the abundance it has been given to you. Don't tempt tomorrow in expectant attitude and habit and ritual. Tempt tomorrow and live today in faith and hope and joy!
"But what happens when we live God's way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely." (Galatians 5:22 MSG)
July 21, 2014
Blog Tour For "OUT OF AGONY", Book #4 By Lynette Endicott!
I am so excited to be a part of this blog tour, and to help promote Lynette Endicott's latest book in her Starting Over Series! Please see below for a description of the book, a bio on Lynette, a great giveaway, and last but not review of this book, as well as my interview with the author! Grab a cup of coffee, put some music on, and relax...because this is a great read!
Gliterary Girl
Book Tours presents the blog tour for the release of OUT OF AGONY, Book #4
in the Starting Over Series, by Author Lynette Endicott.
When Jessie Ingram comes to work at his law firm, she is
intrigued by the conflicting darkness of Brian's behavior and the tender
inconsistencies that hint at something deeper within him.
Despite her interest, she has her own pain, supporting her
niece Sara, who has a virulent cancer with aggressive treatments that take such
a toll they would not be worth it — except they are Sara's only hope of
Will life’s hardships bring Brian and Jessie together? Will
they be able to heal and possibly find love?
ABOUT Lynette
At a youth camp when she was 14 the editor and teacher of a
writing class challenged her to submit something to his youth magazine. She did
and it was the first of 10 articles and stories accepted by the publication
over the next few years.
Nothing like front end success to keep her writing! Lynette
enjoys reading contemporary romance and speculative fiction and writes both.
Her debut book, Starting Over Book One: More Than A Job, and two more books in
that series, The Return of Joy and Finding Her Voice are available now. The
first three of the Time After Time Saga with Tami Dee are available now,
including Animal Instinct, Survival Instinct and Pioneer Instinct. The fourth
in the series of six, Protective Instinct, will release in August 2014.
Because she didn't have pets until after her 50th birthday
the animals she enjoys find their way into all her books. Usually you will also
find a character with a disability as part of the day-to-day fabric of the
story. In More Than A Job, Paige works in services to people with disabilities
until she loses her job and starts over. In The Return of Joy, Atlas, the
yellow lab, becomes a Therapy Dog. In the Time After Time series animal helpers
assist the hero and heroine in all six of the books in the series.
Lynette loves
hearing from her fans! Please connect with her on:
To celebrate the release of OUT OF AGONY, Lynette will
be giving away a $20.00 Amazon Gift Card to one grand prize winner, a $10.00
Gift Card to either Starbucks or Teavana to the second runner up and an ecopy
of OUT OF AGONY to the third runner up. Enter the giveaway every day for
more chances to win. All entries must be received by July 25th before
Monday, July
Debbie's Review:
Brian is a man in deep turmoil, with a past that just won't let him forget...or move on. And what else would you expect from a man who has literally lost it all? His daughter Trudy has recently passed away, his divorce just became final, and his attitude toward light is dim, at best. We also meet Jessie, who is experiencing her own agony in this engaging plot as she is trying to help her brother cope with the cancer diagnosis of his daughter Sara, while at the same time trying to deal with her own grief of the situation. This is where we find what sets the stage for the common ground Brian and Jessie experience, in the suffering of life-altering events, and in understanding where the other is at in life...and leads to the question of whether they can find love and healing together in the midst of their circumstances. And if they do, can either of them learn to trust again and not let fear and the agony that the thought of being left alone again brings if it doesn't?
Lynette allows Brian's character to unfold from page one in a way that grips you and keeps your eyes moving to paragraph after paragraph. She is able to convey her characters with such emotion and writes in a such a way that you can actually visualize each scene in its entirely, as if you were there watching it unfold. Other characters in the book, no matter how large or small their role, are brought into the story with a beautiful flow and allows the characters (particularly Brian and Jessie) to capture you in a profound way and draw you in, causing you to almost speak to the characters yourself as if trying to help them along towards the outcome. I loved the length of this book. It was not incredibly long, which was a draw for me because with all of the "on-the-edge-of-my-seat" material as this book contains, it is long enough to convey an amazing story which is written in an attention grabbing way, but still leaves you wanting more. Lynette has a gift in the structure of her words and the way she unfolds a story for her readers. This was truly a great read, and the end will leave you biting your fingernails as you wait for the next book in the series to reveal itself!
Debbie's Interview With Lynette:
Debbie: What has been your biggest milestone in writing this series of books?
Lynette: When I finished Finding Her Voice, what I believed at the time was the last book in the series, readers asked me to tell the story of the ex-husband, the man who deserted his wife after they lost their daughter. Now I didn't like him very much, but to have more than one reader ask me for the next story was a writing milestone for me.
Debbie: What do your readers/reviewers say they connect with most when reading your books?
Lynette: Everyone has had tough moments, or knows people who have. My readers like the real life difficulties, and the process of finding a way through the difficulties. They want to see the hero or heroine manage and one day even experience joy on the other side of the event that caused them to start over.
Debbie: When you tend to draw a blank in the process of writing a new book, what things help you to reignite your creativity again?
Lynette: I have a three-prong strategy. First, I walk away from the keyboard a few minutes. Usually I make another cup of tea. If that doesn't work I take my keyboard outside and look at my garden and let my mind wander a few minutes. Each of these is a 5-10 minute exercise. If neither of these work I just sit back down and type anyway. I let it wander, and type and type some more. When writing a book I give it my full attention for a couple of hours a day and write until the story unfolds. Do I have to edit out some sloppy transitions? Sure. But these moments of being stuck have revealed some of the most interesting and unexpected plot twists.
Debbie: What inspired the idea for this particular book (Out Of Agony) in the series?
Lynette: When I wrote the first book in the series, the heroine lost a job. The stakes got higher book by book -- the loss of a spouse, the loss of a child. There are people in my life who have lost a child, and there is no more devastating event. There is no “getting over” the loss of a child. Somehow, though, the grieving parent has to move through the days, to put one foot in front of the other, to somehow keep going. I wanted to capture that journey, and to show that he or she could move forward in faith, even through this loss.
Debbie: How has being a published author changed your life?
Lynette: I still have to pinch myself now and then. This is book 7. Isn't that amazing? I still live in the same house, still have a day job. I guess we are the same inside whatever else happens.
Debbie: What advice would you give (and what hard truths should be known) to up-and-coming writers, or those whose dream about becoming an author and seeing their books in print?
Lynette: Readers often tell me that they want to be authors. When I ask them what they are writing they tell me, “Well, I have this idea.” Whatever your idea is, you are only a writer if you write it. Sit down and put in time at the keyboard. Get words down. You will find people to help you hone your craft. We can give you advice about how to sell that book once it is written. But the first three chapters, carefully honed for contests, are still not a book. To follow your dream, you first need to finish the book.
I hope you all have enjoyed this jam-packed post! Where else can you get the heads-up on a great new book, enter a giveaway, read the book's review, and get an interview with the author all in one place! Please feel free to leave any comments below, and thank you for spending this time with me! Be sure to save this title (and all of the books in her series) to your wish list. Happy reading!

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