1.) Where do your Bible studies take place?

Our studies are done through a Facebook group and are completely online.

2.) How do you choose the studies you lead?

Time is spent in prayer to discern the needs of others and where the Lord will direct me. I am typically led to a few options and then I continue to pray and seek God's guidance until He confirms for me the one that will be the most beneficial to our members at the time.

3.) Will what I share be seen by others on Facebook?

Our Facebook groups are secret and confidential, so all things shared in the group are to remain in the group and only those who are members in the study can see what is posted. We do not share photos/videos/links from our study group in order to ensure that confidentiality remains its highest.

4.) What days and times do you do your discussions?

Before the beginning of each study, there will be a reading schedule and a discussion group schedule posted in the Facebook group. There will be an option of days/times for you to choose from and you select the one that suits your schedule the best.

5.) What if I did not get my homework for the week done?

We encourage you to still participate in group, as we will gain insight from your presence and sharing, and you likewise will gain insight from the other ladies in the group. Sharing and fellowship are the greatest benefits of attending the discussions.

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