June 20, 2014

Weekly Book Giveaway!!!

As a launch to my posts now becoming three times per week (after some major designing and revamping), I want to really kick this off...with FREE BOOKS! Y'all know how much I love to read (and sniff) books...and now I am passing a piece of this love onto you! For the next 6 weeks, I will be giving away one brand-new book per week in a Rafflecopter Giveaway! I am soooo excited! So follow the link, have fun entering, and the winner of the first book will be announced on June 28th! Happy Reading Everyone!


P.S. Those of you that become followers on my blog page will ALL receive a sweet little something in the mail as my blessing to you! (Not the follow by email link, the one further down on the right where you become a Google follower and a member of my blog)! Thank you all, and enjoy!
